Today I made a salad that rocked my socks, and I don't even wear socks. That's how good it was...
I'm going to call it Garlic Goat salad, because it's pretty basic except for the garlic powder and goat cheese (not sure where to find "raw" goat cheese, or even what that means, but for now the kosher stuff is good...). Also, this is just an ingredients list because, if you want to make it, I'm sure you know how much lettuce to put in a bowl.
Garlic Goat Salad
Baby Sweet Leaf Spring Mix lettuce (sold in one of those plastic tubs), chopped
Pinto beans
Cherry tomatoes
Avocado, cubed
Alfalfa sprouts
Chives, sliced
Goat Cheese
Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
Lemon juice
Hemp seeds
Coarse and/or fine sea salt
Dill weed
Garlic Powder
Sooooooo good. :)
I'm also drinking this alkalinized water that some friends hooked me up with. I'll let you know if I start gaining superpowers and being able to move things with my mind..
This does sound good. BTW, I purchase organic lightly toasted hemp seeds from Canada 25 lbs at a time, so I've got a good supply of them, cheap.