Monday, August 15, 2011

Triad Juice aka Purple Dragon

I love color theory. Leave it to the studio art / art history major to invent new juicing recipes based upon the color wheel... heh heh. I love my juicer; it was the wisest purchase I've made all year, probably. Thank G-d for vegetables... and fruit...

Dinosaur parts

This juice was very simple, just 1 beet, about 8 carrots, 6 leaves of dinosaur kale and a whole lemon, with peel.

There's a heart in mah juice! Juicing is pretty... :)

This juice tasted wonderful. To be honest, I'd drink literal Dagobah swamp water if I knew it would make me healthier, because I'm hardcore that way. But this juice really did taste delightful; I drank this on a day when I was struggling with the purple dragon of Money-love, financial insecurity. I made this juice intuitively, then did a little shaky dance to shake all the material clinginess out of me. Truly, I think it worked. Dance is a great unifier, when you're feeling fractured by ridiculous desires.

When I drank this, I could feel the loving dinosaur cells working their way into my system, re-arranging furniture to a more suitable feng shui, dusting the crystals on chandeliers, taking big chunks out of the old toxin burgers floating around in my fat cells... heh heh. Is that gross? I'm just bein' silly. Detoxing is a bitch.

I've started doing things like skin-brushing and oil pulling in the morning to help with the process. And the occasional water-in-the-bum. These things have really helped with the detoxing process, to make it more bearable and less like the Cold Sweats of Death.

Why am I still detoxing? Because I keep falling off the horse, and having to get back on the raw train. It's been difficult, but I'm still committed to being responsible for my own health. I think I'm back on for good now. Whenever I eat things like "bread" I feel like crap, haha. I'm tired of feeling like crap, it's as simple as that...

Other things that help with detoxing? Breathing consciously, stretching, jogging/sweating, and dancing! And definitely, absolutely, essentially: Journalling. I've written about 15 pages in the last few days... It doesn't just help with the process, in some ways it is the process.

Love you, person reading this!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dinner Party

Long time, no blog. I've been plugging away in my vegetarianism, with the exception of the occasional Salmon Ceviche, and continuing to try to eat raw. My living environment hasn't been entirely stable lately, which makes it much harder to prepare food for myself, but I have not given up, even if I often have to make do with a meal of cooked vegetarian food. My HbA1c is down to 10, from 11.5. I know - YUCK. Either way, it's still too high. But I'm moving in the right direction. I had a talk with my doctor about all of this last week. She pointed out some changes to make in my insulin regimen, but did not disapprove of my eating this way. I asked her if she had any other patients or knew of any other Type 1 Diabetics who were eating raw, and she said no...

Creativity is Queen; Wisdom reigns supreme...

I got rambunctiously creative yesterday and made a feast for some friends... I thought I'd share the intuitive recipe process on here. By the way, there is a lot of butter used in these recipes. I'm not sure yet what to substitute for butter in baking, and I'm not baking much anymore anyway. But this was a special occasion, so there you go; disclaimer duly stated.

Portabello Adamah

"Adamah" means "earth" in Hebrew. The earthy taste of the portabellos is beefed up by a Kalamata olive tapenade (which I bought at Costs-As-Much-As-Your-Soul Foods), and sesame seeds add to the natural nuttiness of the 'shrooms.

earthy goodness

Wash a gaggle of portabello caps, and break into smaller segments. Put them on an oiled baking sheet, and sprinkle with sea salt. Add a pat of butter to each one. Sprinkle generously with sesame seeds. Crush baby green blend lettuce in your hands, and place a little ball on each piece of portabello. Then top with a teaspoon full of olive tapenade. Stick it in the oven at 425 for about 18 minutes. However long it takes for the mushrooms to release their juices and get tender.

Avocado-Carrot Salad

I invented this a couple of months ago, when I had some leftover carrots and an avocado. It's ridiculously simple and tastes heavenly.

symbiosis of the mostest flavor

Slice a crap-basket-ful of Avocadoes and place in a dish. Thinly slice two chunky, decent-sized carrots, and throw into a sautee pan with some butter. After the carrots begin to get a bit brown around the edges, squeeze on some honey and add a dash of cumin. Add more or less to taste, but believe me the cumin and honey do wonderful things to the carrots. Avoid over-cooking the carrots by stopping whenever they get tender, and then spoon them over the avocado.

Baked Acorn Squash with Peach Pecan Butter

When I was younger I hated squash - WHAT WAS I THINKING?!? I just didn't know how to prepare it..

this ain't yo momma's squash

Cut open the Acorn Squash and scoop out the seeds. Place facedown in a baking dish with 1/2 inch of water. Bake for 30 to 45 minutes at 375. Take them out of the oven and turn them face up in the dish. Sprinkle with salt, add a little butter, and a spoonful of Fredericksburg Farms Peach Pecan Butter (beyond words good! I hope you can find something equally marvelous if you don't live in Texas). Bake at 425 for 15 - 25 more minutes. Just till the edges get a bit crinkly and the filling bubbles.

I also made Start Fresh Salad, this time with yellow cherry tomatoes and no avocado. Tasty as ever. And a perniciously delicious dessert involving waffles, strawberries, vanilla bean ice cream and King's Cupboard bitter chocolate sauce, which is something I do NOT eat on a regular basis. As I said, special night, special foods. It was something to write home about. so... Hi Mom! :D

squashy squashy squashy I love squash

Monday, June 27, 2011

"Change" is an understatement

I didn't know whether to post this in We Were Like Dreamers, which is more or less the narrative of my inner journey, or Hippie Lettuce, which is about external health - this thing that is happening to me is happening from inside to out and outside to in, so I'm going with BOTH.

There is no more time for dishonesty, facade or ignorance. My life is in freaking shambles, and I am the earthquak-er. Shiva is up and smoking; a new song is blasting the walls of Jericho to the ground.

Physically, the change is speeding along. Since I started eating raw, my body has completely begun re-forming itself. I've lost about 14 pounds (which is too much too fast, and I've been piling on the nuts, oils, healthy fats as much as possible, and it has slowed down). My skin cleared up right away. Acne is no longer a concern for Adult Deborah (thank G-D). Although any ideas for natural face scrubs and whatnot would be most welcome. My mind is so much more clear now. I feel more free, because when I eat, I am no longer incapacitated by the sluggish digestion of refined, processed foods. I ENJOY food more now. Taste and eating have become much more pleasurable and sensual as my palate adjusts to this new, natural menu. My creativity has been somewhat EXPLODING as I have been struck with inspiration time and time again to create a new dish (usually using the blender to make dips, sauces, desserts). It is something I am very grateful for; a path I know I need to stay on. It's Life for me.

Oh yes, and my hair is blue. I've always wanted to be a mermaid.

Now to the inner world...

When I started writing my morning pages as part of the Artist's Way work, I had no idea what was going to happen... I had no idea I was going to find my true voice - that which I had stuffed down for so long, fearing the unknown. I have feared the dark since childhood, but to be honest, it was sometimes a more intense fear as an adult. Things I was hiding from myself... What does it take to know your own Heart? To know G-d from within? What are you afraid of losing in order to find it? To tell the truth, I did lose myself in order to find myself... It's a cliff many are hesitant to leap from; "the people remained at a distance, and Moses approached the thick darkness where G-d was." (Exodus 20:21)

What came out in my journal (three pages first thing each morning is the goal), was my voice. My own voice. Not the voice constructed for me by society, or my parents, or religion, or friends, but the true, deep, inner cry of my heart. I learned a lot about separating those other voices from my own voice. Finding my own perspective, instead of putting on someone else's. In the book "Courage", Osho says, "[the mind] is nothing natural, it is cultivated. It has been put together on top of you. Deep down you are still free, you can get out of it. One can never get out of nature, but one can get out of the artificial any moment one decides to."

I found my way out of the artificial.

I called myself "Daydreamer," because for most of my life, I've existed in a state of idealism and fantasy. I've spoken in lofty terms about mystical, abstract meanings of things, and I've not brought these things to the red, red roots of HOW DO YOU LIVE THEN? It's a good question, and one that I am going to address for the rest of my life.

Everything has changed, because I've been brought to a place of understanding that it is through Experience that I gain real, practical Wisdom - not only through book learnin's. Lofty, abstract concepts can be attained when one denies the physical, the ego, and appeals to the Library in the Sky, lovingly created by our Father in heaven... But there is another way that has been neglected for too long: the Tantric path. Wisdom gained through experience. Embracing the physical without clinging to it, which is, I think, exactly how Jesus lived.

We've neglected our Mother. In a lot of ways, religion has shut us up in white boxes in the West (can't speak for the East; don't know), and distorted our perspective of G-d to mean the Guy in the Sky, who can only be accessed through particular sacraments, creeds, rituals, the right crowd.


I reject this proposition, and I offer another. G-d is everywhere. I don't meet G-d in a building, I meet "G-d" (I write it "G-d" not necessarily from the Jewish perspective that doesn't spell out the name out of respect, but rather from a recognition of the futility of using words to describe this) in the eyes and experiences of people I talk to, and in the pure, awesome wonder of the natural world.

Embracing G-d as Mother means giving your full attention, your full presence to everything you do. Learning to live with the ego, instead of trying to destroy it. Eating, drinking, breathing, making love, conversation - whenever we take something in, we should do it gratefully, with awareness that our Source Loves us with a perfect Love. If we first turn our attention to the inner, then the outer world becomes a Joy instead of an addiction. What's coming from within? Perfect Love. Only perfect Love can change you from your roots to your tips; judgement and fear of punishment can only treat the symptoms of a crooked heart. The better way is Love, and Love is ALWAYS speaking if you will listen. How do you listen?

I have tooooooooo much to explain in one blog post, but let's sum up:

1. Please buy a journal and start using it.

2. Go for a walk in the woods.

3. Stop judging people.

I Love you, world. We're going to get through this. There's a better way coming, and we both know what it is... We're either going to destroy ourselves with violence or we're going to find a better way to relate to ourselves and each other. And I can say, with absolute confidence from experience that HONESTY IS EVERYTHING.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Love Salad

Remember that thing I said about not wanting to eat salad every day? Yeah, I officially take that back. :)

Start Fresh Salad

Baby Spinach leaves
Baby Greens leaves (there's a tub I get at HEB called "Baby Sweet Leaf Spring Mix")
Grape Tomatoes
Hemp Seeds
Goat Cheese

Lemon Juice
Braggs Liquid Aminos
Olive Oil
Dill Weed

It's so simple, it really is - but it's otherworldy delicious.

I've removed Balsamic Vinegar from my food encyclopedia and replaced it with Braggs, which is not only healthier, but MUCH MUCH tastier.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Salad heaven

I do love salads. Sometimes I get sick of them if I eat them too often (salad as a meal every day might be a stretch for me at the moment), but I really do enjoy them for the most part.

Today I made a salad that rocked my socks, and I don't even wear socks. That's how good it was...

I'm going to call it Garlic Goat salad, because it's pretty basic except for the garlic powder and goat cheese (not sure where to find "raw" goat cheese, or even what that means, but for now the kosher stuff is good...). Also, this is just an ingredients list because, if you want to make it, I'm sure you know how much lettuce to put in a bowl.

Garlic Goat Salad

Baby Sweet Leaf Spring Mix lettuce (sold in one of those plastic tubs), chopped
Pinto beans
Cherry tomatoes
Avocado, cubed
Alfalfa sprouts
Chives, sliced
Goat Cheese

Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
Lemon juice
Hemp seeds
Coarse and/or fine sea salt
Dill weed
Garlic Powder

Sooooooo good. :)

I'm also drinking this alkalinized water that some friends hooked me up with. I'll let you know if I start gaining superpowers and being able to move things with my mind..

Friday, June 3, 2011

Super Green

On a scale of saintly to loathsome, I would say I'm somewhere around a moderately bad type 1 Diabetic. I eat whatever I want, whenever I want (pizza at 2 am? sure!...), but because I do know how to carb count, and have a genuine attraction to healthy, natural foods, my HbA1C (that's the Hemoglobin A1C test that diabetics take to determine their average blood sugar level for the past 2-3 months) is usually around 8. Not usually below 8, though. (It needs to be below 6 to avoid diabetic complications.) Going to the Endocrinologist is a pathetic affair for me, that leaves me feeling viciously depressed and helpless to actually control my blood sugars. This is because I am lazy. And I don't put the effort into controlling my disease that I should.

But it could also be because of my poor diet, which includes plenty of simple carbohydrates, refined sugars and hydrogenated oils. I eat a lot of vegetables at home, but when I am out and about I eat CRAP. In 4 years since my insulin pump broke and insurance stopped covering it's supplies, I have gained 25 lbs and continued to have undesirable HbA1Cs. All of this - the diabetes, the weight, the fact that I am ALWAYS hungry as a rule - has given me a rather unhealthy relationship with food.

I very often don't eat breakfast, but when I do, it's small. Lunch is my most controlled and healthy meal of the day, because I actually eat something, and it's usually something like vegetable soup with some wild-caught canned salmon. Or a veggie burger, avocado and sprouts on a spelt wrap. Really healthy stuff, and I love eating that way. The problem, no my NEMESIS, is Dinner. By dinner time I am STARVING, and I proceed to eat a) whatever is in the house, or b) some ungodly-large-portioned dish from a restaurant menu. Cue 15 - 20 units Humalog insulin.. and I'm either low 2 hours later, or my blood sugar is 298 all night. Generally no happy medium.

Ive been reading about vegan diets, raw foods and juicing on line and at the bookstore... One idea that particularly appeals to me is that removing refined sugar and flour from your diet seems to result in less of a voracious appetite. In other words, eating those refined carbs makes you want to eat more of the same. I'd like off this vicious cycle now, please.

I wonder if this can work for me? Well, education, education... read, read, read... I plan to keep researching these things and slowly make changes in the way I eat.

So I'm starting this blog because I think it will be helpful to share this process with others, and maybe even find other type 1 Diabetics out there who are using vegan/raw/juicing to help control their Diabetes.

I'm calling it "Hippie Lettuce" cause that's one of my husbands nicknames for me. And yesterday when I told him about all the raw food ideas I was considering, he, of course, used it again - it's one of his favorites. Yep, I know it's a colloquialism for Mary Jane, ha. I'm not a partaker and that's not really where I'm going with this blog... but it seems appropriate since most of the green products I've been looking at are similarly titled: "Amazing Grass" "SuperGreen" etc... :D


Anyway, to business! My first step is going to be to EAT SOME FREAKING BREAKFAST. Ok? Today I started off my day with a disgusting green smoothie, because I really don't know how to make these. Any recipe ideas would be appreciated. And I'm also looking online. But today, here is what I crammed into my unsuspecting blender:

1 cup of baby spinach
1 cup of fresh strawberries (ooh, this is going to be good, I thought)
8 oz. water mixed with Garden of Life Raw Protein packet (it smelled like matzo meal. uh...)
2 tbsp flax seeds

then I hit "liquefy"

I opened the top and tasted my concoction... GROSS!! I got out some apple juice and poured in about 8 oz. Then I decided, what the heck it's disgusting already and added 1 packet Amazing Grass green superfood, and just for kicks, threw in a packet of stevia sweetener.

Finally, I got the bright idea to add some frozen pineapple chunks (one thing I've learned is that a cold green smoothie is much better than a tepid green smoothie), one last "liquefy" and I poured it into a cup. I totally said a "borey pri ha'adama" blessing over my hideous drink, hoping G-d would make it taste better, and then drank that sucker down!

It actually tasted fine, the stevia and apple juice took the edge off the matzo protein and green food sludge. It just looked like... Dagobah bog water:

My blood sugar was 74 this morning. I counted the smoothie(s) (I drank almost 3 of these cups) as 63 carbs, but took 5 units of Humalog because I know how these hippie drinks tend to NOT spike my blood sugar.

Here's to Real Food, healthy eating habits and G-d-please-help-me-get-my-blood-sugar-under-control! Seriously, though, I know it's up to me. My health is my responsibility. And if I can find a balance of controlling my health issues and eating in a way that benefits the planet and my body more than the typical carbo-loading of our modern society, that's something to be grateful for.

Here's the collateral damage of smoothie tiems:

Damn you, Nutter Butters! Looking smugly on the fruits of my labour; your days in my house are numbered...



Three hours after Dagobah smoothie, my blood sugar was 186. When I eat cereal, my blood sugar is invariably over 200 three hours later, even with the right dose. This is a step in the right direction... yee haw.