Saturday, November 10, 2012


This is hardly a recipe for salad.  I have sorely neglected this blog, and plan to remedy that in the near future. ;)  Instead, I just wanted to share a few ideas with you that may help you in your own journey to health.

I have had my share of struggles with depression.  It's definitely related to the Type 1 Diabetes, because it did intensify at age 15 while I was on a trip with my family and we all started to realize that there was something wrong with the way my body was functioning.  Why I got diabetes?  No clue.  Science is still working that one out.  In the mean time, I am still pursuing health and healing to the best of my abilities.  And something I have noticed is that 1.5 years ago, when I chose to start eating much healthier, it had a beneficial effect on my body, but the most profound effects were felt in my mind.  In other words: I've started to realize that treating depression with food is just as important as treating the other aspects of illness.  It seems like depression is actually a pretty physical thing.

Sugar seems to be an enemy to my mental health.  When I eat it, it does contribute to moodiness. Czech out this fun stuff:

"a study of 3,456 middle-aged civil servants, published in British Journal of Psychiatry found that those who had a diet which contained a lot of processed foods had a 58% increased risk for depression, whereas those whose diet could be described as containing more whole foods had a 26% reduced risk for depression."

Interesting.  Tons of informations on that site.

Now, here are some more ideas that have helped me sidestep a few spirals of depression:

Going for a walk to touch and admire the leaves of green growing things has often cheered me and reminded me of the beauty inherent in life.  Green growing things grow up and out because they must, and the energy they embody is a comfort to me in my more scrambly times.

Yoga has been very beneficial to my life and well-being.  I feel so much better after a few rounds of sun salutations in the morning versus starting the day without stretching.  It's so lovely to get the blood moving in the morning, and feel the blissful after effects for hours.

Meditation.  I love the concept of the out-breath meditation, which I read about in one of Pema Chodron's books.  It's a very simple meditation - your mind may be wandering and engaging in verbosity during your in-breaths, but on the out-breath, try to send all of your attention to the simple act of breathing out.  Be in the moment as the air rushes out of your mouth.  This is a deceptively simple meditation technique that I have enjoyed for years.  It really does have a way of putting me back in the present moment, bringing more presence to my present.  Coming back to a state of centered mindfulness is very important for my mental health.

Bellydancing!  Is one of the greatest things ever in helping a woman to come into a very positive and loving relationship to her body.  You can't bellydance and swing your hips and NOT love your body.  I dare you to be depressed whilst bellydancing.  All that movement does marvelous things for the blood flow & functioning of your organs in the abdomen.

Accept your self, for the love of god.  No one else can do this except you.  And if you are not actively accepting your chubby, awkward, un-cooler aspects, you will not be attracting healthy relationships.  If it isn't present within you, how's it going to be present in the outer world?  I am learning delightful new lessons all about self acceptance lately.  Let's just say, that if you take a moment to declare to the universe that you are ready to embrace the challenge of self-acceptance, THINGS WILL HAPPEN.  And maybe sometimes it gets uglier before it gets prettier, but that's the point.  "Always a valley before a hill" sez that one fortune cookie that one time.  It was so true, and still is.  When you feel like you're in a pit, have patience with yourself, because it is not all shitty all of the time, and things are about to get way more awesome...

Love you!