I love color theory. Leave it to the studio art / art history major to invent new juicing recipes based upon the color wheel... heh heh. I love my juicer; it was the wisest purchase I've made all year, probably. Thank G-d for vegetables... and fruit...
Dinosaur parts
This juice was very simple, just 1 beet, about 8 carrots, 6 leaves of dinosaur kale and a whole lemon, with peel.
There's a heart in mah juice! Juicing is pretty... :)
This juice tasted wonderful. To be honest, I'd drink literal Dagobah swamp water if I knew it would make me healthier, because I'm hardcore that way. But this juice really did taste delightful; I drank this on a day when I was struggling with the purple dragon of Money-love, financial insecurity. I made this juice intuitively, then did a little shaky dance to shake all the material clinginess out of me. Truly, I think it worked. Dance is a great unifier, when you're feeling fractured by ridiculous desires.
When I drank this, I could feel the loving dinosaur cells working their way into my system, re-arranging furniture to a more suitable feng shui, dusting the crystals on chandeliers, taking big chunks out of the old toxin burgers floating around in my fat cells... heh heh. Is that gross? I'm just bein' silly. Detoxing is a bitch.
I've started doing things like skin-brushing and oil pulling in the morning to help with the process. And the occasional water-in-the-bum. These things have really helped with the detoxing process, to make it more bearable and less like the Cold Sweats of Death.
Why am I still detoxing? Because I keep falling off the horse, and having to get back on the raw train. It's been difficult, but I'm still committed to being responsible for my own health. I think I'm back on for good now. Whenever I eat things like "bread" I feel like crap, haha. I'm tired of feeling like crap, it's as simple as that...
Other things that help with detoxing? Breathing consciously, stretching, jogging/sweating, and dancing! And definitely, absolutely, essentially: Journalling. I've written about 15 pages in the last few days... It doesn't just help with the process, in some ways it is the process.
Love you, person reading this!